Webmaster's Corner
Go to admin.troop33bsa.org to edit the website.
Email admin@troop33bsa.org if you need editing permissions added to your account.
You must use Google Chrome web browser and be logged into your Troop 33 Google Account to be able to edit the website.
Troop 33 Webmaster Training
If you're a new webmaster, start by watching this informational video. After that, there are some additional training videos below.
Webmaster leadership position overview - responsibilities, etc.
BSA Social Media / YPT / CyberChip guidelines
general Google Sites training video
Troop website specific training
Google Sites Training: https://support.google.com/a/users/answer/9310491
THIS WEBSITE MUST FOLLOW ALL OF THESE BSA POLICIES: https://scoutingwire.org/social-media-guidelines/
Troop 33 Website - Do's and Don't's
Troop Email Directory
**remember to follow Two-Deep Leadership and copy two adults when emailing anyone about Scouting-related business.
All @troop33bsa.org email addresses are "forwarding" email addresses. This means that when someone emails an @troop33bsa.org email address, it automatically forwards the email to someone's personal email address. These emails have been created to avoid releasing anyone's personal emails online. NEVER publish a personal email address online! Instead, use the email addresses below. Please contact admin@troop33bsa.org to have an email alias created or to have the forwarding address updated, such as when a new Scoutmaster takes over, the forwarding address will need to be updated to forward to the new Scoutmaster's personal email address.
The emails below are closed-group emailing lists, meaning anyone who is not on the list cannot email this address, nor receive emails sent from that email. Only members on the list can use this email.
members@troop33bsa.org - this email forwards to ALL members and parents of the Troop. Note that this includes former Troop members, parents, and adult leaders as well.
PLC@troop33bsa.org - this email forwards to ALL current Patrol Leaders' Council members.
Committee@troop33bsa.org - this email forwards to ALL current adult leaders who serve on the Troop Committee.
The following emails are forwarding emails.
Committee Chair - CommitteeChair@troop33bsa.org - forwards to the current Committee Chair's personal email address.
Scoutmaster - Scoutmaster@troop33bsa.org - forwards to the current Scoutmaster's personal email address.
Senior Patrol Leader - SPL@troop33bsa.org - forwards to the current SPL's personal email address.
Webmaster - Webmaster@troop33bsa.org - forwards to the current Webmaster's personal email address.
Banquet RSVP - Banquet@troop33bsa.org - forwards to the current Banquet Advisor's personal email address.
Flag Fundraiser Questions (for use by customers) - flags@troop33bsa.org - forwards to
Notes & Helpful Links
Hex color code for the yellow-color used throughout this website: #fda303
HTML Color Code Picker: htmlcolorcodes.com
Photo Carousel that pulls photos from Google Photos albums: https://www.publicalbum.org/blog/embedding-google-photos-albums
How to embed a signup genius: https://www.signupgenius.com/blog/feature-website-sign-up-integration.cfm
Google Sites Help Center/Community Forum: support.google.com/sites
How to autoplay embedded YouTube videos: https://appuals.com/autoplay-embedded-youtube-videos-page/
HTML Code Generators: quackit.com
Model Troop Websites
Great model Troop website (Troop 17 in Mansfield, MA): troop17bsa.com
https://troop29franklin.com/documents/ - has some great documents that we could model ours off of
WordPress Cub Scout Pack theme: http://handsomeweb.com/cubscouts/
WordPress Boy Scout Troop theme: https://www.handsomeweb.com/scouts/index.html
Good information here to add to our site: https://www.troop382westborough.org/home/scout-links
http://www.troop33.net/eagles/eagles-new.html Eagle Scouts Digital Plaque
Website Performance Analysis Sites
Website Image Analysis Tool webspeedtest.cloudinary.com
This site analyzes all the images on a website and determines how they affect loading speed. It also specifies what can be done to make the site load faster, specifically how to change the weight (file size) of each image so it maintains the same quality, but at a smaller weight. You can even download newly-formatted images and easily replace them on the website.
Website Speed Performance Tester gtmetrix.com
This online test analyzes and reports the speed of any website, and gives it an overall rating (A, B, C, D, or F). It also lists where the site had the most problems, such as the weight of images being very high and slowing down the load time, or too many redirects.
BSA Brand Center
BSA Brand Center – (scouting.webdamdb.com) – The BSA Brand Center is designed to give local Councils and Units on-demand access to branded assets and customizable marketing material to support their local efforts. The following items can be found at the Brand Center:
SCOUT ME IN Campaign Collateral
Exploring Brand Assets & Marketing Collateral
BSA Brand Identity Guide
BSA Logos
BSA Photos
BSA Videos
Identity Collateral
Social Media Images
Council Infographic
Scoutbook Marketing Tools